ENGLISH: The Tale of US-Pakistan Relations: An Analysis of Challenges and Prospective… Understanding Unequal Partners with reference to mutual interests


  • Nazir Ahmed Kasi University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan
  • Dr. Noor Ahmed University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan


Pakistan, US, Relation, 21st Century, Challenges, Prospects


The tale of US-Pakistan relations is that of association between unequal partners. Keeping in mind the end goal to follow towards a discourse on US-Pakistan relations, there is call for understanding different high points and low points of recent years. The exchange on US Pakistan relations needs to contain two imperative portraying parts of Geopolitics and Core-Periphery relations. The part of geopolitics has continually decided the two countries towards one another. On the other hand, Core-Periphery clears up the association among well developed and Third world nations, fundamentally in light of asymmetry. Keeping the issues related to the unending cold war between US and Pakistan relations, this paper seeks to investigate the challenges and prospects on he basis of mutual interests that may lead to the betterment of Pakistan-US relation in the 21st century.

Author Biographies

Nazir Ahmed Kasi, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan

Ph.D scholar / Assistant Professor, Pakistan Study Centre

Dr. Noor Ahmed, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan

Supervisor / Associate Professor




How to Cite

Nazir Ahmed Kasi, & Dr. Noor Ahmed. (2024). ENGLISH: The Tale of US-Pakistan Relations: An Analysis of Challenges and Prospective… Understanding Unequal Partners with reference to mutual interests. Al-Dalili, 6(1), 01–06. Retrieved from http://aldalili.com/index.php/dalili/article/view/133